¡¡Liu Cun,alisa Liu Zunhan or Liu Jingwen,was born in Lanxi,Zhejiang in 1920.He graduated from Fujian Provincial Normal School in 1942. He learnt painting from the established artists Wu Fuzhi and Pan Tianshou,In 1946 he taught in Hangzhou National Academy of Fine Arts.
¡¡An artist and teacher of fine arts and vice-chairman of Zhejiang Artists Association ,he is now a member of the Chinese artists sociation ,menber of the Oriental Boya Society,chairman of the Flower-and-Bird Painting Institute of Zhejiang,vice-chairman of Hangzhou Lierary and Art Workers Sssocaition .He also paints for Xiling Painting and Calligrahpy Society.
¡¡As a forever studious artist he sets much store by the sources from life.He is a master in painting plumblossoms,chrysanthemuns,persimmons and especially loquats. Many of his works have been exhibited at home and abroad,and some collected by museums.

Liu Cun£¨1920- £©